Valimai is an upcoming Tamil film starring Thala “Ajith Kumar” in a lead role. This film is directed by “Vinoth” and the music is composed by “YSR Yuvan Shankar Raja“. The most anticipated movie of all Thala fans worldwide is getting this update in the middle of a pandemic, giving them joy and more to celebrate this moment along with their fan family.
Director: H. Vinoth
Production: Zee Studios & Boney Kapoor
Actors: Ajith Kumar, Huma S Qureshi, Karthikeya, Bani, Sumithra, Achyunth Kumar, Yogi Babu, Raj Ayyappa, Pugazh & others
Music Director: Yuvan Shankar Raja [YSR]
Once the songs get released by the production team, we will update Valimai Song Lyrics ASAP.
"Dragon"Vazhithunaiye Song: Click Here